15 49.0138 8.38624 0 4000 https://www.bunsoffun.co.uk 300



‘About Us’ starts with an intro from me, Emma at Buns of Fun Bakery and ‘we’ (I’m a Gemini, so there’s always more than one of us present) started out in 2010. We are vegan at home and work, for the animals, family health, and for the good of the world.  I’m proud to work from my studio kitchen – I am a hands-on DIY enthusiast and crafted a pallet wood, made the bespoke cabinets, laid the floor and painted.  I prepare every cake from scratch using the best ingredients, mostly with a Norfolk provenance. Having 13 + years under my belt means I have crossed paths with lots of crazy talented suppliers in the industry and made a colourful network of creative and enthusiastic collaborators.

Back in the moons of 2010, I was making tray bakes for beach picnics for new friends when we relocated from Buckinghamshire. This soon grew to include themed cupcake toppers and appearing at local farmers markets, also making individual keepsake wedding cake toppers. After several years of lugging a tent and tables, boxes of cakes and cake stands, I entered the wedding world almost exclusively and I never looked back at my trailer.  

I now almost exclusively make wedding cakes, with availability for some limited celebration cakes. I have made large-scale installations, some nearly 5′ tall, for Holkham Hall as part of their Christmas extravaganza (including Gingerbread House, Big Ben, Beach Hut, Secret Lives of Gingerbread-men, Winter Gingerbread Chalet, Fondant Kennel for the resident pooches). I’ve regularly been featured as an Expert writing for ‘Your East Anglian Wedding Magazine’ and I have been blessed with articles in Norfolk Magazine, (the Map of Norfolk cake graced the front cover of the EDP Norfolk Magazine for the 100th Edition), and in 2015 I won Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas with a lit-up Gingerbread Lighthouse. 

We have been privileged to work with and bake for some fantastic names in our time so far  – Holkham Hall – SSFA (The Armed Forces Charity) – NHS – North Norfolk District Council – Aviva – Unison – NNBR – Monica Vinader – Channel 4 – Kirstie Allsopp – Jean Christophe Novelli – Tony Hadley – Watercress Lane  – The Maltings – EDP Norfolk Magazine – Neil Thompson Boats

We are fully insured for public events and we are very proud to carry a 5-star rating from North Norfolk County Council.

Contact us to check your date availability.  We do hope to hear from you soon.

Emma x

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