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Buns of Fun is 5 years old!

BUNS STARTED life at the kitchen table in North Norfolk and went on lots of beach picnics in the guise of freshly baked cupcakes, brownies and traybakes.  Coupled with a not-so-sober Burns Night where I made little Fimo babies for my guests as their place settings – Buns of Fun took shape that very evening. ...Read More

Botanical Love

THIS WEEK we see the introduction of our Botanical shoot on Burnetts Boards at the very elegant Stradsett Hall, a collaborative effort by local wedding industry artists – hand-picked by the ever-so inventive and stylish Penny Baldry.  This shoot was so much fun to work on, genuinely working with Penny is always such a liberating...Read More

And we’re off!

Happy New Year!  And a cracking one it is so far – long may it continue.  With an avalanche of emails received over the festive period I’m just about top side of quotes now – phew!  I resolve to be a bit more organised outside the kitchen this year. Excitingly Buns of Fun turns 5...Read More