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Botanical Love


THIS WEEK we see the introduction of our Botanical shoot on Burnetts Boards at the very elegant Stradsett Hall, a collaborative effort by local wedding industry artists – hand-picked by the ever-so inventive and stylish Penny Baldry.  This shoot was so much fun to work on, genuinely working with Penny is always such a liberating and refreshing experience. Her company The Little Lending Co have simple, timeless pieces to create an effortlessly laid back ambience to any gathering.  Do pop by and have a peek..

ALSO the crack team of stylists we have Flower 30, artisan flower design, beautifully personalised for your event, using traditionally unusual foliage or blooms Sharon crafts stunning arrangements that are the bees knees.

Mimolo Design – fantastically whimsically gorgeous stationery, fall in love with these in two shakes of a ducks tail;  Models & Make-up by Ezme Isgate Makeup Artistry and gorgeous leafy jewelry by Melissa Morgan Designs.  Ultimately capturing this fresh botanical style the very talented lens-mistress known as Amy Lewin Photography.

Click on the link to reveal more or read the post here – http://burnettsboards.com/2015/01/botanical-beauty-greenhouse-wedding-editorial/

2014-10-20 20.22.00

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